Enlist Chinese Nuclear Test Damage to UNESCO Memory List
Announce October 16 as a Chinese Nuclear Test Damage Day
The Chinese government launched nuclear testing experiments in Lopnor, East Turkistan for 32 years from October 16, 1964 to 1996. Although the Chinese government officially estimated that the nuclear tests were experimented 46 times in Lopnor, in reality it exceeded 50 times including small scale experiments. Last atmospheric nuclear testing was done on October 16, 1980 and the last underground nuclear testing took place on July 29, 1996.
The destructive power of the Chinese nuclear tests in East Turkistan is 1300 to 1400 times higher than that of the Hiroshima atomic bomb that claimed the lives of approximately 120000 to 140000 people in Japan.
The Chinese government has denied health effects and environmental damage of Lopnor nuclear tests to the local Uyghurs. The devastating effects of the nuclear tests in Lopnor remained unknown.
In 1994, Uyghur doctor Enwer Tohti noticed malignant cancer tumors even among Han people who were living in the Uyghur region. Thus, he started his own investigation in Uyghur regional hospital. Later, he co-operated with film makers in the UK and interviewed Uyghur victims of nuclear tests in Lopnor. As a result, a documentary titled “Death on the Silk Road” has been broadcasted on Channel 4 in the UK in 1998 and accused the Chinese of nuclear damage.
China is offering nuclear technology to war prone countries such as Pakistan, North Korea and Iran. Therefore, it became a main player of nuclear threat on world peace. China’s dangerous nuclear threat followed by its economic and military power is not something that we can neglect.
We call on the international world community to support the following two signature campaigns for the utmost importance of a nuclear free world:
Enlist Chinese Nuclear Test Damage to UNESCO Memory List
Announce October 16 as a Chinese Nuclear Test Damage Day
National Advisory Board:
Enver Tohti
Uyghur doctor of medicine
Ahmatjan Osman
President of East Turkisan Government-in-Exile
Enlist Chinese Nuclear Test Damage to UNESCO Memory List. Announce October 16 as a Chinese Nuclear Test Damage Day.
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